Friday, May 11, 2018

The Problem of the Sceptics Refutation of the Christian God.

The sceptic may seem to have strong evidence against the existence of the Christian God.
For the sceptic may claim to have strong and possibly irrefutable empirical evidence that contradicts several, or perhaps many passages in the bible. For example, there may be much empirical evidence against the universal flood and against the relatively young age of the universe.
Yet so, even if the Christian grants that all of the empirical evidence brought forward is true, the sceptic's position does not ever prove, nor demonstrate that any part of divine revelation is false, nor that the Christian Trinitarian God is false.
For the Christian God is a supernatural God who can act with power beyond nature to bring about effects that are beyond the power of natural science to explain.
Therefore, even if the entire universe has multiple pieces of evidence and multiple theories that contradict parts of divine revelation has are naturally observable, the Christian always has recourse to the supernatural action of God that can act beyond natural knowledge and human reasoning.
Because the Christian God is supernatural and thereby beyond reason, the same God can and has and does act beyond reason.
To then reduce the action of God in history to empirical methods that are only subject to reason is to reduce the Christian God down to the god of rationalism.
The sceptic must then presume a rationalist God to then supposedly provide a demonstration of the falsity of the supernatural God.
Such an approach by the sceptic is fallacious, for the method used presupposes there can only be natural reasons explainable by men to account for divine actions.
Yet such a presumption by the sceptic is false.
For natural reasons may always provide some insight into divine acts, but will never fully account for divine acts.
Therefore, any supposed empirical or historical evidence against divine revelation cannot ever be used as a demonstration of the falsity of divine revelation, nor of the falsity of the Christian God.
Therefore, divine revelation is always never proven false.
Consequently, what can never be proven false may be true, then divine revelation and the Christian God may be true.
Therefore, the sceptic is acting rationally to be open to divine revelation and the existence of the Christian God.

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