Friday, June 3, 2011

Some Arguments Against Atheism.

The subsistent being is that being which has being from self and not from another 
The subsistent being is god
Atheism means god does not exist
Therefore atheism concludes the subsistent being does not exist
If the subsistent being does not exist, then all beings do not have being from self
Therefore according to atheism, all beings have being, dependent upon another being for existence.
But to have all beings dependent upon another can only occur in two ways –
  1. Beings are dependent upon each other for existence according to a mutual causation. For example A is dependent for existence on B and B is dependent for existence on A. But for A and B to dependent upon each other for existence, means both A and B have causes regarding existence which are lacking in both A and B. As the lack, must be the same on both A and B, is it is a lack in regard to existence, then A and B cannot be mutually dependent upon each other for existence.
  2. Beings are dependent upon another for existence according to a series. For example, A is dependent upon B and B is dependent upon C and so on. But all members are dependent upon another member as each member has the same deficiency regarding a cause of existence. Therefore as all members have the same lack, then no member of the series can exist.

Atheism requires a conclusion that all things that exist, do so without the subsistent being existing. Evidently, this conclusion is manifestly false and therefore atheism is also false.


Theism concludes to god is the greatest being that exists.

Atheism is the negative of theism.
Atheism says the greatest being does not exist.
However, if there are some beings in the universe with more being than other things, then reality is hierarchical.
A thing has more being in it than another, if that being can do more than another being.
As some beings can do more than other things, then reality is hierarchical.
But for reality to be hierarchical, then a thing is greater than all other things.
Therefore there is a thing that is the greatest being.
The thing that is the greatest being can only be the thing that has more being than other beings.
As the highest being of a creature is the person united to a nature (yet really diverse from the nature), then the greatest being must be a being with personality, that is the same as its nature.
As the cause of a personhood is spirit, then the greatest being must be a spirit, that is the same as the person.
Therefore the greatest being is not the universe, but must be a being that is distinct from the universe, as a personal spirit.
Therefore atheism is false.


Atheism concludes to god does not exist as true.

Truth is the conformity of the intellect to the real.
When the intellect has the truth, then it is correctly ordered towards the real.
Atheism says the intellect is conformed to the real when the intellect believes atheism is true.
Atheism is the negative of theism.
Therefore atheism concludes to the intellect being correctly ordered to the real when it denies the existence of god.
Yet theism concludes that God is the necessary being.
The necessary being is that being which must exist.
Therefore atheism concludes that the necessary being does not exist.
And atheism concludes the being which must exist, does not exist
But this is a contradiction.
To hold to a contradiction is to have a disordered mind
To have a disordered mind is to believe something that is false.
Therefore atheism requires a disordered mind
Therefore atheism is false.


Atheism concludes to god does not exist as true.

Theism concludes to God as the uncaused cause.
The uncaused cause is the first cause.
To deny the existence of the first cause is to deny the existence of the second, third and following causes.
To deny the first cause therefore requires a denial of all secondary causation.
Yet secondary causes exist
Therefore the first cause must also exist.
But atheism denies the existence of the first cause.
Therefore atheism is false.


Atheism concludes to god does not exist as true.

Theism concludes to God as the being which is goodness itself.
To be goodness itself means there is nothing in that being lacking, for a lack is not good.
Atheism denies the existence of the being which is goodness itself.
Therefore atheism concludes to the existence of only beings that participate in goodness.
Yet to participate in goodness, means to only have some of the good.
But to have only some of the good, infers the good itself.
The good itself is a being
For being as appetised is the good
Therefore the good itself must exist.
Yet atheism denies the existence of the good itself.
Therefore atheism is false.


Atheism concludes to god does not exist.

Theism concludes to God as greatest being.
Pantheism is a form of theism
Pantheism concludes to god is the universe.
Therefore Pantheism concludes to the universe, as god, is the greatest being.
Atheism concludes to the universe, as god, is the greatest being, does not exist.
Atheism concludes to the universe does not exist.
But as the universe does exist, then atheism is false.


Atheism concludes to the non existence of god.

Theists conclude to the existence of god, who exists independently of the universe.
Theists conclude that God is the ultimate cause of the universe.
Atheism denies the existence of the ultimate cause of the universe in a god that exists independently of the universe.
Atheism concludes to the existence of the universe.
Atheism concludes to the existence of the universe, only through causes that exist within the universe.
But to conclude to only causes within the universe, means the universe is collectively the greatest being.
But the greatest being is god.
Therefore atheism concludes that pantheism is true.
But pantheism is theism and atheism denies all theism
Therefore atheism both affirms and denies theism.
Atheism also denies and affirms the existence of the greatest cause.
Therefore atheism is contradictory and therefore false.


Theism concludes to god as the greatest being.

For a greatest being to exist, requires reality to be hierarchical, for a hierarchy has the greater and the less within its system.
But atheism denies the existence of the greatest being.
Therefore atheism denies the existence of a hierarchy in reality.
But to deny the hierarchy in reality, means all things in reality are the same thing, for only then do all things have the same being.
But for all things to be the same thing is monism.
Monism concludes to all things in the universe are a manifestation of the same thing.
As all things in monism are really on thing, then the one thing is therefore the greatest thing.
But the greatest thing is god.
Therefore atheism concludes to the existence of god.
Therefore atheism is contradictory and therefore false.


Atheism concludes to the non existence of god.

But the non existence of god is a non being
A non being is not something, but is nothing.
Theism concludes to the greatest being as the ultimate reason for the cause of existence.
Atheism therefore concludes to nothing as the ultimate reason for the cause of existence.
But nothing is not a cause.
Therefore atheism concludes to a non cause as the ultimate cause of existence.
Therefore atheism is absurd.


Ordination is to have order

Order is to have arrangement for an end
Passive ordination is to have parts arranged for an end
No arrangement of parts towards and ordered whole can be enacted from the parts alone, for each part lacks the order of the whole and the whole does not exist within the parts alone.
Furthermore, no amount of parts knows end as an end.
Therefore no number of parts can be arranged by parts alone for an end, for this would mean that the parts act for an end, without knowing and end and therefore acting for not an end.
This would mean that parts acting to order, without knowledge of an end merely act from chance.
But chance is an act without an intended end.
Therefore if an act is for an end, it does so from another act, which has an end as known.
Therefore chance presupposes an end as known for chance to occur.
Therefore parts cannot act for an end without knowledge of an end as end.
But to have knowledge of end as end, means there exists an intellect which knows natures.
To know natures, means the intellect then orders the parts towards an end.
Therefore, to have parts ordered for an end infers the parts are ordered for an end by another.
To order for an end is to order actively
But to order actively is to have active ordination
Active ordination is to order another
Theism concludes to god as the unordered orderer
Theism therefore concludes to a being that does not have any passive ordination
Theism concludes to a being that has only active ordination
Atheism concludes to the non existence of god.
Atheism denies the existence of a being with only active ordination
Atheism concludes that all beings have passive ordination
But if all beings have passive ordination, then all beings are ordered by another
If all beings are ordered by another, then the defect of a required order is not found in any particular being.
But if the reason for ordination is not found in any particular being, then no being has order.
Yet beings do have order.
Therefore atheism is false.


Atheism concludes to the non existence of god.

As atheism is logically false as shown above, then atheism only exists in the minds of those who have made a false judgment.
As a false judgment is made on a proposition that is false, but thought to be true.
Therefore atheism is based upon a secret knowledge of reality.
A secret knowledge of reality is Gnosticism
Therefore atheism is Gnostic
But a secret knowledge of reality is not an adequate account of reality, for reality is the same for all.
As reality is the same for all, then such truth must be made manifest from the nature of reality itself.
As atheism is Gnostic, therefore it must deny the truth value of nature itself.
Yet atheism derives its negative conclusion of the non existence of god from nature.
Therefore atheism is self contradictory regarding the truth value of nature.
As truth is a quality in the mind, then atheism is a psychological system.
As such psychology concerning the value of false judgments is required for atheism to be true.
Therefore atheism is false psychologically.


If an atheist believes there are causes in the universe then these causes are either all the same and therefore all causes have the same being in them, or causes are different and therefore causes have different being in them.
If all causes have the same being in them, then all causes must produce the same effect.
As all causes do not produce the same effect then causes have different being in them.
As such, some causes have more being in them than others.
As one is greater than another due to a greater being, then some causes are greater than other causes.
As some causes are greater than others, then one or some causes are the greatest cause(s).
If there is only one greatest cause, then that cause is God and monotheism is true.
If there are several greatest causes, then those causes are god and polytheism is true.
But for several equally greatest causes to exist means each cause has the same being, limited in some respect.
To be limited in some respect, means being is received in potency.
But to be received in potency, means being and potency are really distinct.
But what is really distinct and yet found united in a real cause, means the cause exists through the efficient causation of another being that has being without potency.
There efficient cause of limited causes is then a cause, which is pure act.
As pure act can only be one, then monotheism is true and polytheism is false.


If atheists believe there are no causes in the universe, then there are no effects.
But an effect means a thing is dependent upon another, which is its cause
Therefore is there are no causes and no effects, yet things exist, then occassionalism is true.
But occasionalism says actions happen merely due to a divine concurrence to cause an event with circumstance.
But if occassionalism is true, then theism is true and atheism is false.
Nevertheless occassionalism is false, for causes and effects are observed and documented in the empirical sciences.
Therefore, for an atheist to deny causes and effect, means atheism must deny the value of the senses and empirical science.
Therefore, for atheism to be true, sense knowledge and science must be false.
But many atheists are scientists and believe in the value of science.
Therefore atheism is self contradictory and therefore false.


If atheism concludes there is no supreme being
Then there are no inferior beings
Therefore all beings are the same.
But for all beings to be the same means that –
1 - all things are really the same thing and then monism is true and atheism is false
Monism says all things are really the manifestation of one being
But if all things are a manifestation of the one being, then that being is the greatest being
Therefore as the greatest being is god, then monism is true and atheism is false.
Yet all things are not a manifestation of one being, for the one being must have multiple causes to produce multiple effects.
But multiple cause in the ultimate being means the ultimate being is both the ultimate and therefore uncaused and not effect, but then again have multiple causes and effect, meaning it is not the ultimate being.
Therefore monism is self contradictory and therefore false.
Therefore atheism is false.

2 – all things are really different, but appear to be the same, then phenomenalism is true
If things appear to be the same, then all things would have the same accidentals such as colour, shape and weight.
But all things do no have the same accidentals, therefore all things are not the same and therefore phenomenalism is false.
As phenomenalism is false, then atheism is also false.

3 – all things really do not exist and are therefore equally non existent and idealism is false
But if nothing exists, then the universe does not exist.
But as the universe does exist, then something exists and therefore idealism is true.
Furthermore, even if it objected that we only think a thing exists, then the thought, the intellect and the man doing the thinking are real, therefore something exists and idealism is false.
As idealism is false, then atheism is false.


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