Saturday, July 22, 2017

An Argument for the Unbearable Burden of Atheism.

Atheism concludes that God does not exist. Consequently, according to atheism, the universe exists and acts without the existence of a deity. For atheism to be true, atheism must account for all causes and effects within the universe as through only natural causes.

An argument for the Existence of only natural causes if Atheism is true.

If atheism is true, then supernatural theism is false.
But only supernatural monotheism can account for supernatural effects.
For an effect is always proportional to its cause.
For an effect is dependent upon the cause and thereby proportionately participates in the influence of the cause.
Therefore a supernatural effect must have a supernatural cause.
Therefore if supernatural theism is false, then supernatural effects are also false.
Hence because supernatural effects are false, then supernatural effects are not real.
But the universe is real.
And the universe is accounted via causes.
But only natural causes are real, for causes are real, and supernatural causes do not exist.
Hence if atheism is true, the universe and every act within the universe must be accounted for only through natural causes.
Hence if atheism is true, naturalism is true.

So, if atheism is true, it follows there are no genuine accounts of miracles ever occurring throughout human history. These accounts, whether recorded or not, are always fabrications, or events thought to be supernatural, but are not, or only natural events that can be accounted for through natural causes. The problems with the naturalism consequent upon atheism are multiple, but only one will be exposed below.

There are multiple, well documented supernatural events in church history, which are far easier to explain via a supernatural deity and have no plausible, naturalist based explanation. For example, there are the public miracles of the dancing sun at Fatima. Other public miracles that are well documented are the miracles at LourdesLaSalette, and Guadelupe.

And many other locations. None of which have any credible naturalist based explanations. For example, if we look at the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, the naturalist explanations are not good.

1)      Naturalist Claim - The miracle of the sun never happened.

Counter Response – The miracle was witnessed by a large audience of over 30,000 people, with the miracle published in the media under the supervision of a hostile Masonic government. The direct witnesses of the miracle consisted of both believers and unbelievers. The multiple accounts of the same event, along with multiple conversions of unbelievers/sceptics, healings of witnesses, and drying of the previously rain soaked field is very strong evidence for the miracle.

2)      Naturalist Claim - The miracle of the sun was really only a natural event that can be explained by science theory.

Counter Response – the naturalist claim is the only evidence of hubris which simply makes an outrageous claim concerning the natural cause of an event that had previously never been witnessed. There is no plausible scientific theory that can account for the simultaneous actions of 
1) the dancing sun, 
2) the dancing sun changing colour, 
3) the sun causing to act above its normal heat output to  rapidly drying of the rain soaked field and witnesses, 
4) the sun acting above its normal heat output, without frying the witnesses, and 
5) the sun acting to both physically and spiritually heal witnesses. There is also the coincidence of the Fatima miracle with Mary’s predictions of the rise in communism in Russia (1922) and the second world war (1939-1945). The coincidence of all these events, with the interaction of the present (1917) actions of the sun, the present statements of the woman and the fulfilment of those same predictions (1922, and 1939-1945) can only be satisfactorily explained by the existence of a supernatural deity.

The existence of well-documented miracles is clear evidence for a burden that is too much to bear for the atheist. The atheist simply has no compelling arguments for any of these and many other miracles. Furthermore, the atheist has no proof that all naturalist based arguments ** actually account for all the documented miracles. The lack of any naturalist based proof in this regard is an unbreakable yolk upon the atheist which he cannot bear.

Hence atheism is not worthy of any thinking man.

** Naturalism itself is false, hence naturalist based arguments are always at least in principle, false.


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