Friday, March 17, 2017

An Argument for the Name of God as the Fitting Name of the 1 Prime Cause, 2 Prime Mover, 3 Prime Perfecter, 4 Prime Orderer, and 5 Necessary Being.

The prime cause is the first being which positively influences another thing.
The prime mover is the first being which positively influences another thing according to motion.
Motion is a species of cause.
What is a species of cause is a cause.
Therefore the prime cause is the prime mover.
Similarly, perfection and order also positively influence another and are thereby species of cause.
Therefore the prime cause is the prime perfecter, which is also the prime orderer.

Also, the prime being is that being which is unreceptive to being.

What is unreceptive to being is being by nature.
Being by nature is the necessary being.
Therefore the prime cause is the necessary being.

What are the same according to being is the same being.

The prime cause is the prime mover, perfecter, orderer, and necessary being, and thereby the same according to being.
Hence the prime cause, mover, perfecter, orderer, and necessary being is the same being.

What is many under diverse aspects, but one in being has a unity of being and diversity under different aspects.

A name of a thing fittingly indicates the nature of a thing as it is one being.
The nature of the one that is prime must be in proportion to the perfections of the prime, which are in turn not proportional to the perfections of a creature.
The perfections of the prime, are perfections without limit, had simply in one being, contrary to that of creatures.
Such perfection of the prime is perfection far beyond the perfection of a creature.
The name of the thing that fittingly indicates -

1) the one-ness of the prime being.

2) the prime cause, mover, perfecter, orderer, and necessary being
3) perfection far beyond that of all creatures.

is that name which can be said of the supreme one which is supreme, and indicates perfection beyond and contrary to the many creatures.

That name of the supreme one is fittingly God.
For the name of God fitting describes the prime unity of being, and fittingly describes the one under the aspects of prime cause, mover, perfecter, orderer, and necessary being, and a perfection perfection beyond that of all creatures.
Hence the name of God fittingly describes the prime cause, mover, perfecter, orderer, and necessary being.


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