Friday, January 11, 2013

In response to Tom Bridgeman's G4G: Religion, Science, and the Kobayashi Maru Scenario

The following are a series of comments in response to Tom Bridgemans article entitled - G4G: Religion, Science, and the Kobayashi Maru Scenario 

Tom - All the physical evidence says that when you die, that is it.  Even while we are alive, no invisible being will rescue us if we do something stupid.  While flukes may rescue us from bad decisions, no divine entity will.

JM - the proofs for the existence of the soul are given in philosophical psychology. Both plants and animals have materials souls and men have spiritual souls.

A discussion on the soul can be found here -

The spirituality of the soul -

As the soul is spiritual, it cannot have been brought into existence by merely material causes. Therefore the spiritual soul was created by God.

On divine causation in the world. A divine entity does act within the universe according to the arguments presented here -

See part III, 14-17.

Tom also stated others ave been seen alive after death and yet Christ is different for the following reasons -

1. Christ's death was predicted by the prophets and even the manner of his death and resurrection was predicted by himself.

2. Christ had a glorified body after the resurrection which allowed him disappear and re-appear and pass through walls.

3. Christ instituted a church with the priesthood and the Eucharistic sacrifice.

4. Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.

5. Christ will come again as judge at the end of time.

6. Christ is the Word incarnate.

7. Christ and the Father sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

No other person has done these things in association with a death and resurrection.

You are welcome to embrace these truths as your own.


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