Friday, July 1, 2011

An Argument against the expansion of Space-time

If the space-time between galaxies is expanding in all directions
Expanding space-time is a cause of light redshift,
Then expanding space-time has an influence on light from galaxies
As space-time is expanding to move galaxies away from the earth, then it must also expand to move galaxies away from each other
But to expand to move galaxies away from each other means the space-time between galaxies must be increasing
As expanding space-time has an influence on light from the galaxies
Then expanding space-time between the galaxies must also influence light
The influence on light should cause light from the galaxies to spread in all directions
So when light from galaxies is viewed from earth, then the size of the galaxies must be oversized by a great amount
The galaxies that are further away from earth should be far greater in size than closer galaxies
But galaxy size is not a function of galaxy distance -
Also light from galaxies when viewed from earth should be spread and therefore blurred
But light from galaxies is not blurred according to distance viewed from earth.
Therefore the expansion of space-time has both an influence on light from galaxies and not an influence of light from galaxies
Therefore the expansion of space-time contains a contradiction
Therefore expansion of space-time is invalid.


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