Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Standard Model Conflicts with Relativity Theory.

Gravitational lensing is said to cause light to be bent by the bending of space time caused by a mass.
When we see a diagram of gravitational lensing we see the light from a source, more past another course and bend around the mass and the bent light is then seen from earth as a number of extra points of light is the night sky -
We are also told space-time is expanding throughout the universe
As such the gravitational lensing diagram must account for the expansion of space time and yet show the light bending around the massive object
So if the massive object causes the light to bend, yet the space time expansion is also said to be expanding around the masses, how does the lensing both bend the light and the expansion miss out on expanding the light?
Clearly we have two effects that are working against each other here, yet wickipedia conveniently shows only the bending of light around the mass and ignores the space-time expansion.
If this problem is not adequately solved, then either gravitational lensing and/or space-time expansion is a fraud.
If lensing is a fraud, then general relativity has one less evidence for the theory and the so called lensing effect must be accounted for in a different theory
If expansion of space time is dropped, then the standard model has to be dropped as well.
Not a good choice lads

Maybe, just maybe, the geocentric model isn’t so bad after all.


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