Tuesday, September 11, 2018

On the Priestly Nature of the Universe.

The universe functions according to the actions of Christ's ministerial priest who offers sacrifice to the creator to take away sins. For the Son of God, is the creator of the universe (John 1:3) and the great high priest (Heb 4:14), who created the universe for Himself and God the Father. And what is created by God, and is for the glory of God, acts in accordance with the functions of the Son of God. For the secondary causes always acts in accord with God as the principal cause. And as the Son of God is the great high priest, the universe operates for Christ, from Christ's priesthood as through His ministerial priesthood.

The Roman Catholic ministerial priesthood is the office around and from which the universe maintains its existence and operation. For God is the greatest cause as the creator of the universe, followed by the secondary offices instituted by Christ. And the office of priesthood was instituted by Christ at the last supper. And what is instituted by Christ for the service of God is superior to all other secondary natural causes in the universe. For when Christ acts to institute the priesthood, He does so for the priesthood to directly serve God as the supernatural divinity. And all other natural causes only directly serve other secondary natural causes and indirectly serve God as the supernatural cause. But what indirectly serves God as the supernatural divinity, must do so through the cause that directly serves God as the supernatural divinity. Therefore all natural causes in the universe serve God as through Christ's ministerial priesthood. Therefore, the sun, moon, the planets and the galaxies and all men serve God through Christ's ministerial priesthood. 

And as God is the author and sustainer of the universe, Christ's ministerial priesthood serves to please God and thereby indirectly cause the universe to continue in existence until the end of time. For the universe was created by Christ who merited the act of creation as through His act of redemption on the cross. And when Christ instituted the ministerial priesthood at the last supper, He did so, so that ordained men and the Church may participate in Christ's act of creation and sustaining of the universe. For the Eucharistic sacrifice offered by the Church and men ordained to the priesthood, is a participation in the cross as an act of redemption. And what is redemptive is meritorious in relation to Christ's act of creation. And what is meritorious in relation to creation is meritorious in relation to all acts directly related to creation, in the act of sustaining of the universe. 

Conclusion - Christ's ministerial priesthood is the office through which the universe continues to exist and operate until the end of time as a participation in Christ's merits on the cross, as the meritorious cause of creation and the sustaining in existence of the universe. The universe has a Christian, priestly nature.

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