Wednesday, September 19, 2018

On the Sophistry of Evolutionism in Relation to the Fossil Record.

Evolutionists appeal to the fossil record to promote the theory of evolution. They frequently link fossils together that are several million years apart and claim the younger fossil is an ancestor of the older fossil. And yet the fossil record includes the following notions that all mitigate against the evolutionist's claims -

1) Evolution - is claimed but is impossible as a process of more from less. Any claims by the evolutionists for fossil evidence for evolution are always the only claim that is always false.

2) Devolution - Each fossil may have its heredity traced back to a prior and more developed population. Every fossil may be only an indication of universal devolution from the first created populations.

3) Stasis - any group of fossils may have their origin in a population that has not changed very much since the creation event.

4) Extinction - a large number of fossils of one population may indicate that population is extinct and subsequent fossils are derived from another cause.

5) Creation - the fossil record assumes an initial creation event.

6) Agnostic - there are too many causes that are unknown and the interpretation of the fossil record is impossible with any certitude, due to the contingency of many causes.

Option 1 is used by the evolutionists and is the only option that is impossible. Options 2-6 are other, viable alternative explanations for the fossil record. When evolutionists use the fossil record as evidence for the theory, they are being sophistic.

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