Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Problem of Multiple Evolutionist Interpretations of the Same Fossil Record Caused by Devolution and Evolution within the Same Theory.

Because evolutionists often ignore the consequences of their own theory, they quite frequently make statements at odds with their own theory. For example, both evolution and devolution are taught by evolutionists. And yet, when the evolutionists discuss the fossil record and claim fossil evidence for evolution, the evolutionists frequently ignore the possibility of devolution as a causal process within biological history. For devolution within biological history would involve fossils as fossils from more complex populations that existed prior to the less complex fossils. Frequently evolutionists only ever appeal to the fossil record to show evolution and virtually always ignore the possibility of one, several, or multiple devolution events within biological history that preceded any single, or any group of fossils.

In fact, because evolutionists say both devolution and evolution have occurred, there is always more than one possible interpretation of the same fossil record amongst evolutionists. For one evolutionist may see the fossil record and ignore devolution and only see evolution. Another evolutionist may see a combination of devolution and evolution, and yet another evolutionist may say we don't know how to understand the fossil record because we don't have enough information about the multiple possible devolution and evolution events within biological history. 

The above three possible outcomes are all viable evolutionist readings of the same fossil record, and yet evolutionism is supposed to be nearly a proven fact of science, when in fact evolutionism is only a (false) theory with multiple possible outcomes and multiple possible understandings of the same evidence in the fossil record.

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