Wednesday, August 22, 2018

An Argument for the Anti-Christian Nature of Evolutionary Theory.

Evolution teaches the ongoing progress of the universe, including biological improvement. The theory includes the notion of an ever-improving humanity from the primary humanoids which evolved from the population of apes. In short, evolution implies the high point in human history is always yet to come, when humanity is fully evolved to be everything evolution causes man to be. Evolution then must avoid the perfection of humanity in the past and look forward to an ever greater fulfilment of humanity.

By evolution promoting an ever greater humanity, evolution must deny the perfect humanity of Christ as God the Son, the Word made flesh, who divinised humanity. In denying the divine perfection of humanity caused by Christ, evolution must ignore Christ's divine work and promote another materialistic divine work, of the materialist god of pantheism. Evolution then must ignore the real work of the real God and promote a false work of the false, pantheistic god of evolutionism.

By promoting a false version of humanity, evolution must oppose the work of Christ and therefore must oppose Christ as the high point of humanity. Evolution is then an anti-Christian theory promoted by those who either knowingly, or unknowingly oppose Christ's divine work, with a false, pantheistic work. In short, evolution replaces the Christian divinity who cause a divinised humanity with a pantheistic, materialist divinity which causes a materialist humanity.

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