Saturday, August 11, 2018

An Argument for the Divinity of Jesus Christ through the Union of Divine Word and Work.

The New Testament bears witness to the divinity of Jesus Christ. But the textual witness alone, though true, may not be received by unbelievers as true for various reasons. One reason may be the unbeliever thinks the text is a fabrication, and therefore an unreliable witness to Christ's divinity. Yet a confirmation of the text is established by noting the power of God acting in a supernatural manner within church history, which is directly connected to the work of Christ as God. 

For example, the miracles of Fatima, Guadalupe, Akita, and Lourdes as through the mother of Jesus Christ indicate the power of God is granted from the Son of Mary, to enact the various miracles. Mary as the mother of Jesus is sent by Jesus to Earth to perform the miracles as through the power of God. The power of God contained within the miracles is a power as from Christ, which is the Son of Mary, the Son of God, and God the Son.

The union of the statements within the scriptural texts and the divine works in history is accomplished through the authority contained within the church. For the Roman Catholic church acts with the authority granted to her as from Christ, who instituted the church, to make pronouncements on faith and morals. The church defines the canon of scripture, which contains the truth of Christ's divinity. The truth of Christ's divinity is then demonstrated through the historical action of God in the miracles stated above, which is granted the guarantee of authenticity by the church who says those events were miracles caused by the power of God. The church then acts as a mediator, to pronounce the truth of the divine words in scripture and the divine works in history. 

The texts as the word of God, speak of Christ as God, which are then united to the works of Christ as God in the miracles. The union of the divine words and works of Christ, as ratified by the Roman Catholic church is proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Conclusion - Jesus Christ is God, and therefore the creator of the universe, the Redeemer of men, and the judge of all men.

Discussion - Some variations on the above argument may be proposed to demonstrate relevant other truths. 

1) The divinity of Jesus Christ as through the God who acts with power to cause the Mother of Jesus to perform miracles. For when Mary who is by nature only a woman, acts to perform miracles, Mary then acts with the power of God. Yet Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, and bears witness to the divinity of Jesus Christ as through the miracles performed by Mary. Therefore Jesus Christ is true God.

2) The divinity of Jesus Christ who acted to cause the Marian miracles is the God of the Roman Catholic Church. For those miracles occurred within Catholic countries to bring men into the Catholic church. The miracles authenticate the powers granted to the Catholic church to promote the full content of divine revelation.

3) The Marian miracles, and the implied evidence for the divinity of Jesus and the authentification of the Roman Catholic church to guard and protect the content of divine revelation, provides authentification of the content of divine revelation as contained within tradition and scripture. The content of the scriptures is then true, for the church, which has the powers to teach as from God, has stated the scriptures were written by God and are free of error. For example, we know from scripture that the universe was created by God in a time of one week, and as a place to worship God.

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