Friday, August 24, 2018

An Argument for the Divine Truth of the Roman Catholic Church as Associated with the Divine Properties of Indefectibility and Infallibility of the Church.

The new testament letters were written to a historically based church. The historically based church portrayed in the New Testament has the property of indefectibility as the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim 3:15). For what is the principle of truth is the principle of all statements from the church, always stated as true. And what is always stated as true is indefectible.

Furthermore, the historically based church has the property of infallibility, for the church has the power to bind and loose which is connatural to the divine power to do the same binding and loosing (Matt 16:16-20, 18:18). As God binds and looses without error, then the church must also bind and loose without error. And for the church to bind and loose without error is for the church to be infallible.

And also, the Roman Catholic church is the church of history, as derived from Christ and the apostles. For the Roman Catholic church has the historical evidence for the universality and consistency of practice and belief from Christ and the apostles. Therefore, the letters and gospels of the New Testament were written by the apostles, who were Roman Catholics for the Roman Catholic church. Therefore, the Roman Catholic church is both indefectible and infallible on matters of faith and morals.

Consequently, all objections to the faith and morals taught and practised by the Roman Catholic Church are always false objections, which cannot demonstrate any error in faith or practice. And also consequently, all versions of Christianity are in error where those versions of Christianity disagree with the Roman Catholic Church.

Comment - The Catholic vs Protestant debates over Christian doctrines and practice are always biased towards the truth of the Roman Catholic faith as the measure of all that has been revealed by God through Christ. Any apologist against the Roman Catholic faith can never win the debate via arguments based upon truth.

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