Friday, August 3, 2018

The Problem of Atheism as Caused through Life Experience as Derivable from the Catholic Doctrine of Original Sin.

Atheism asserts there is no god, in opposition to theism. Yet theism is provable, through such proofs as St Thomas Aquinas's five ways. And what is proven, yet opposed, then is not provable in opposition to that which is already proven. Therefore because monotheism is proven, atheism is not proven. Consequently, because atheism is not proven rationally, atheism is embraced by atheists through a means other than rational argument.

That means other than rational argument is life experience which causes the atheist to suffer as a result of human sin. Such sins which cause men to doubt the existence of God as sins against justice and charity. As atheists are human, just like theists are human, atheists hurt as a consequence of life experience which involves sin.

The hurt involved through sin is derived from the truth contained within the Catholic doctrine of original sin. For the consequence of original sin is man finds it easy to sin and thereby cause harm to others. Yet original sin is tied into theism and the free will of man to chose good or evil. Original sin is then a cause of atheism, which is a conclusion of atheists derived from bad life experiences caused by human sin.

The one truth of original sin is then an indirect cause of atheism through the atheist having an incorrect understanding of the nature of sin and the consequences of sin. As atheism is caused by sin, atheism is also a sin.

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