Wednesday, August 29, 2018

An Argument for the Benefit of the Truth of the Divinely Revealed Flood Geology Model Against a Fundamental Assumption Contained within the Modern Secular Based Science of Geology.

Modern geology is based upon a fundamental principle of - the present is the key to the past. So if slow rates of deposition are observed, the current rates are then assumed to be a key indicator of what has always occurred in the past. The slow rates are based upon the notion that what currently occurs now geologically has always occurred. And yet this simple, foundational assumption is never proven but only assumed. 

For the past may have had forces and physics, and events that are different to that currently observed today. And if so, the long ages calculated based upon the assumption of the present as the key to the past, may, in fact, lead to false conclusions.

According to divine revelation, geologically, the past is different to the present in some respects.

1) There was a time when the Earth did not exist, and then came into existence through a creation event.

2) There was a time when men, animals and plants were larger and had longer life spans than the present.

3) There was a time when there was a global flood which caused massive amounts of extinction of plants and animals and caused many geological formations such as mountain ranges and large deposits of sedimentary rock.

As the above there points are truths found in Genesis, the assumption that the past is the key to the present is false. In fact, the assumption that the past is the key to the present is true. For the past reveals there were changes in the structure of the atmosphere, the structure of the continents, and the processes of the formation of mountains and fossilisation.

If we take the Genesis account as true, modern geology is wrong to assume the present is the key to the past, when the past is the key to the present. Or again, perhaps the geological record is more complex than the above simplistic division accoding to the two principles of -

1) The present is the key to the past.

2) The past is the key to the present.

Which may involve another four more realistic alternative principles -

3) The past is in some manner the key to the present.

4) The past is in some manner not the key to the present.

5) The present is in some manner the key to the past.

6) The present is in some manner not the key to the past.

The flood geology of modern Christian geologists accounts for the above four principles (3-6) in a model that accounts for geological formations prior, during and after the global flood. The universality of principles 1 and 2 above is seemingly beyond the power of an empirical theory to bear. For a geological theory should include moderate principles that can be defended, rather than sweeping principles that are only assumed to apply always and everywhere without any proof given for such a claim.

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