Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Problem of Atheism’s denial of the Prime Cause and Affirmation of Secondary Causes.

Monotheism concludes to the uncaused cause is God. Therefore, atheism denies the existence of the uncaused cause. But to deny the existence of the prime cause and then affirm the existence of an infinite series of secondary causes is to deny the infinitude of the prime, and affirm the infinitude of the secondary causes. But to both deny and affirm an infinitude of being is to deny theism and affirm a quasi-theism.

Therefore, if atheism affirms the existence of an infinite series of causes, atheism must also affirm a quasi-theism, which is in effect to deny atheism. For quasi theism must equate the infinite being of the uncaused cause with the same infinite being of a series of caused causes. Therefore, atheism must both affirm and deny theism according to the notion of infinite being. Therefore, atheism requires a contradiction. Therefore, atheism is false.

Conclusion - atheism denies the infinite being of the one God, but then assumes an infinite being of many creatures. Atheism is then a closet theism, whereby creatures imitate the one true God of monotheism.

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