Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Problems of Atheism's Denial of the Universal Prime and Consequent Affirmation of Diverse Secondary Creatures.

Atheism denies the existence of God and theism affirms the existence of God. Monotheism affirms God is being and the universal cause of being. Atheism then denies the existence of being and the universal cause of being. And yet according to ontology, being has modes of one, something, true, good and the beautiful. Therefore, by atheism denying the existence of the prime being which is the universal cause of being, atheism also denies -

1) The prime being and the dependence of all creatures upon the prime being.  The act to be of creatures is the prime act of a creature which cannot be accounted for within atheism. The existence of any creature and all creatures is then reduced to a superstition whereby the creatures has being which has no reason of being within atheism.

2) The prime one and the unity of all creatures as from the prime one. The union of all creatures as through the common act to be is not accounted for due to the denial of the prime being which is the prime unity. By denying the prime unity, atheism then reduces the commonality of being in all creatures to a negation of the prime unity. From atheism's denial of the prime being, the negation of the prime being, which is the same as the negation of the prime unity of being, is then according to atheism, the universal cause of the commonality of all being within creatures. Or more simply, according to atheism, the negation of unity is the universal cause of the common unity of being in all creatures. Or again, negation in the prime is the universal cause of the affirmation of the many common to all creatures. Such a consequent negation and affirmation of the same as a conclusion of atheism is false. 

3) The prime something, and the dependence of all creatures upon the prime something. Atheism denies the existence of the prime something and affirms the secondary creatures as something are not dependent upon the prime. Creatures as the many something(s) are then ultimately dependent upon the negation of the prime, which is a negation of something. Such a consequent negation and affirmation of the same as a conclusion of atheism is false.

4) The prime true and the dependence of all creatures upon the prime true. Atheism denies the existence of the prime true and affirms the secondary creatures as true are not dependent upon the prime. Creatures as the many something(s) are then ultimately dependent upon the negation of the prime, which is a negation of truth. Such a consequent negation and affirmation of the same as a conclusion of atheism is false.

Also if the prime truth is denied, then there is no universal cause of truth acting in all things. Therefore all creatures have unaccounted for truth, which infers creatures are then in some manner always true, for creatures exist and what exists is true. But because the prime truth is denied, the truth of creatures is not accounted for as from the prime being. Then consequent to atheism, creatures are in some manner true, but in another manner superstitious and thereby always false. The universe of atheism is always composed of the two principles within all things of the true and the false.

5) The prime good and the dependence of all creatures upon the prime good. Similar to the argument in point 4 above. All creatures have being and are therefore good. But the goodness of creatures is not accounted for. The universe of creatures is then always of things that are in some way all good, but in another way, always lacking the good, through the unaccounted for being of all creatures.

6) The prime beautiful and the dependence of all creatures upon the prime beautiful. Again, similar to the above arguments. The universe of creatures is then always of things that are in some way all beautiful, but in another way, always lacking the beautiful, through the unaccounted for being of all creatures.

Atheism's denial of the universal prime and the affirmation of the diverse secondary in creatures concludes to a universe that is full of -

1) Creatures that exist without any ontological reason to exist.

2) Creatures that are one according to the commonality of the act to be, yet the act to be is from the negation of the prime one act.

3) Creatures that are things dependent upon the prime negation of a thing.

4) Creatures that are always true, but also always false.

5) Creatures that are good, but also always lack the good and are then evil.

6) Creatures that are beautiful yet the beautiful is from the negation of the prime beautiful.

Conclusion - According to atheism, all creatures that have being, are one, something, true, good and beautiful, are creatures as from a negation of the same in the prime. For, as being is not accounted for in creatures when the prime being is denied, then the one, something, true, good and beautiful are also not accounted for within creatures. The universe of atheism is a universe of one, something, true, good and beautiful as from a negation, or as from nothing. Such a conclusion is false, therefore atheism is false.

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