Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Proof that almost all of Reality is Invisible.

To Prove almost all of Reality is Invisible.

Proof from within Theism.

If a body exists, the body is composed of metaphysical parts of essence and being.
Being is the actualisation of all acts.
The being of a body is the act to be of the body.
The being of the body is not caused by the body, for the act to be is prior to all other acts of the body.
The act to be of the body is then caused by another cause other than the body.
The act to be is caused be being itself.
For being is the only cause that can act prior to essence.
For being enacts essence for being is the act to be.
As being is the cause of the act to be of a body, and being is universal, then being is a universal cause of a universal effect.
The universality of being infers being as the prime cause, is being unreceived.
But being unreceived is being as pure act without limit.
If a body exists, then being as pure act is the cause of the body's act to be.
The prime being is then infinite.
But bodies are finite in being.
Both bodies and the prime being exist.
As being is of itself without any accidentals such as shape, place, or colour, being is of itself always unsensed.
What is unsensed is invisible.
Therefore the prime being is invisible.
Therefore because the prime being is infinite and the bodies are finite, almost all of reality is invisible.

Proof from within Atheism.

Similar to the above proof, a body is dependent upon another cause other than the body for the act to be.
But atheism must deny the prime being as pure act, for such a prime being is God.
Atheism must then substitute the prime being for another creature to cause the being of the body.
But such a solution concludes to an infinite regress of creatures that cause the being of one body.
For each creature in the series has the same defect of the act to be which must be caused by another and so on.
Therefore because there is an infinite regress of causes to cause the act to be of a body, and there is no scientific evidence based upon observation for any of the infinite number of causes actually existing with bodies that can be sensed, then the infinite series is composed of creatures that do not have bodies.
Such an infinite series is a series of quasi-spirits, or spirits.
For a spirit is that which exists and acts without a body.
So if a spirit exists, it does so without being visible.
Therefore if atheism is true, an infinite series of invisible creatures exist to cause the act to be of one body.
Therefore because there are many bodies, there are also many infinite series of invisible causes.
Therefore because there are is a multitude of infinite series of creatures and the bodies are finite, almost all of reality is invisible.

Therefore if either theism or atheism is true, almost all of reality is invisible.

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