Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Self Contradictory Nature of Atheism Concludes to the Truth of Theism

Theism proposes the God is the supreme being.
Atheism then must deny the existence of the supreme being called God.
Then because only one being need be for atheism to be false, for one being is the supreme being, then no being is permitted by atheism for atheism to be true.
But for no thing to be and atheism to be true infers atheism in the abstract is true, which infers a knower who exists and knows atheism is true.
For the abstract is only found in the act of knowledge, for anything outside the abstract is in the concrete and therefore in the singular and individual.
As atheism is in itself an abstract concept (like any other -ism), then atheism always assumes the existence of at least one knower, who knows the abstract concept of atheism.
Therefore, atheism must both affirm the non existence of all being, but must also affirm the existence of at least one thing (the knower).
Atheism then contains a contradiction according to the denial and affirmation of being, atheism is therefore false.
As atheism is false, then theism is true.

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