Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Problem of Being as a Null Set within Atheism Proves God is a Supreme Being

If atheism is true, then being is a null set.
For atheism opposes theism.
But theism says God is the supreme being.
Therefore atheism must conclude that the supreme being does not exist.
If then the atheist is a materialist, then either all of matter, or one part of matter, or several parts of matter are the supreme being(s).
If all of matter is supreme then all of matter does not exist and then being is a null set.
If one part of matter is supreme then that according to atheism, that one part of matter does not exist. Then consequently another part of matter is supreme, which is then denied to exist by atheism until all matter is denied existence. Then according to atheism, no thing exists and being is a null set.
If several parts of matter are supreme then according to atheism, those several parts do not exist, then consequently, subordinate parts are then supreme, which then according to atheism, must not exist and so on until there is no matter and being is a null set.
Therefore, if atheism is true, being is a null set.
Similarly, if the atheist is a spiritist, then either all, one, or several spirits are supreme and therefore God.
But atheism must deny the existence of spirits in all three of the above possible outcomes and consequently deny the subsequent implication that the existence of any spirit concludes to theism.
Therefore if the atheist is a spiritist, then there are no spirits and being is a null set.
If the atheist affirms both matter and spirit, then the atheist is a moderate realist.
But the atheistic moderate realist must also deny the existence of all matter and spirit, for to assert the existence of either is to in some manner affirm a supreme being.
Therefore an atheist who is a moderate realist must conclude to being as a null set.
But from experience being is not a null set, therefore atheism is always false.
As atheism is always false, then theism is true.
Therefore there is a supreme being called God.

In short, if God is the supreme being then atheism must deny all being.
But there is being, for things exist.
Therefore atheism must make a false conclusion concerning the non existence of all being.
As atheism is then false, theism is true.
Therefore there is a supreme being called God.

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