Monday, May 28, 2018

The Impossibility of any Regress of Creatures to Account for the existence of Creatures with Atheism.

Atheism may posit an infinite series of causes to account for the existence of contingent substances, motion, or change. Yet such a series presumes that a series of creatures can be posited to account for the existence of another creature. For such a series to exist, one creature must compenetrate another creature and also cause the being of that creature that is compenetrated. Yet the nature of bodies dictates that bodies may mix to form compounds or mixtures, but bodies never act to compenetrate. For compenetration requires the total mutual interfusion of bodies, which is an act beyond physics and chemistry. For example, if water and salt could compenetrate, the chemistry of the product body would not be H2O+NaCl, but would be the impossible union as H2ONaCl, where H2O and NaCl are not mixed but mutually interfused.

Nor do bodies act to cause the existence of another body, for bodies never cause being, as being is ontologically prior to a body. For a body only ever has being received as through an efficient cause. Being is then the fundamental perfection of a body which cannot be an effect of another body, but only an effect of an efficient cause which is itself being. For only being causes the being of another.
Therefore, the assumption that a body can cause the being of another body is false. 

Consequently, the regress of creatures to cause the being of a creature is not possible. Then atheism’s appeal to a regress of creatures to cause the being of a creature is false. Atheism is then false.

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